Annual average weather for Playa de Las Canteras, Las Palmas de

Gran Canaria Weather Average

Weather / June 3, 2024

What’s the weather like in Gran Canaria in November?

As Gran Canaria’s so close to North Africa, it has warm weather and hardly any rain in November. The Canary Islands are nicknamed the ‘Islands of Eternal Spring’, you’ll think it still feels like summer at this time.


Volcanic Gran Canaria has high mountains that have a big impact on the weather. They block north easterly winds and attract rain, meaning you’ll get warmer and drier weather in the south. The winds do still help keep things cool along with the Canary Current, which will keep you comfortable on the coast. This stops the Sahara Desert from making things too hot, although it can send over hot winds and the occasional dust storm, which are most common when the seasons are changing.


The average high temperature during November is 24ºC, and you can look forward to lots of sunbathing in your swimwear. Things stay quite pleasant at night, although you may want to pack a warmer top for the evenings. The sea temperature’s 22ºC, while humidity’s low and ranges from around 55% to 85%. Although it’s nearly winter, average rainfall’s just 16mm across two rainy days.
